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Pursuant to Article 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679, we inform you that your Personal Data will be processed by Delcon S.r.l., as Data Controller, in order to respond to your requests of registration to the company site and will be stored for a period not exceeding the purposes for which the Data have been collected and subsequently processed. The provision of your Personal Data is not compulsory, however failure to provide data will prevent us from respond to your request. In case you provide to us your Personal Data, we inform you that your Personal Data will be processed only by authorised personnel pursuant to Article 29 of the GDPR and they will be stored only in order to carry out the aforementioned purposes (expect for legislative obligation provisions).
Your Data will not be communicated, disseminated or transferred abroad. Regarding the processing of the aforementioned data, pursuant to Article 15 et seq of the EU Regulation 2016/679, we remind you the right to obtain the access of Personal Data concerning you; the right to obtain the rectification (correction of inaccurate data or integration), the right to erasure the Personal Data processed unlawfully or in case one of the reasons specified in Article 17 of the EU Regulation exists, Furthermore, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in case you consider that the rights indicated above have not been recognized. To exercise the right set forth above, please contact the Data Controller to Delcon S.r.l. address via Matteucci 25 27 20862 Arcore MB or writing an e-mail to
Delcon warrants its Products to be free from significant deviations in material and workmanship which might impact the functional capability of the device for the agreed upon or assumed use, for a period of:
from the date of invoice. This is a Limited Warranty and all other warranties, implied or express, are hereby disclaimed. The only remedy under this Limited Warranty for any defects is either repair by Delcon at Delcon's cost and includes labor and spare parts that might result defective during the validity period or replacement of the product, at Delcon's sole discretion. In no event will Delcon's liability to its Customer exceed the purchase price of the product in question. In the event Product is repaired by Delcon, the performance of such repair work will not extend existing nor generate new warranty coverage for the Product as a whole or for those parts not repaired or replaced by Delcon.
Exclusions: THIS LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS NORMAL USE ONLY. THIS WARRANTY BECOMES NULL AND VOID AND DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY PRODUCT THAT: (a) was sold by non-authorized Delcon distributors or representatives; (b) has been installed, altered, or repaired by non-Delcon authorized personnel or using non-Delcon parts or accessories, unless such installation, alterations, or repairs have been previously approved in writing by Delcon and have been properly performed in accordance with such approval; (c) has not been serviced, operated, maintained, and upgraded (including all software and firmware associated with it) per Delcon's recommendations and/or specifications; (d) has been damaged or rendered defective by accident, shipment, handling, improper storage, abuse, misuse, neglect, modifications, misapplication, or a failure to exercise due caution in cleaning, maintenance, or operation; (e) has been damaged by any power line variations, such as voltage spikes and transients, noise, under or over voltage conditions, power outages, or any conditions caused by an act of God; (f) has been damaged with that damage attributable to any associated or complementary equipment or software not furnished by Delcon; or (g) has been used in an application or manner for which it was not intended or operated under environmental, power, electrical and operating conditions which are beyond those specified by Delcon.
To use the free guarantee service, the Customer must abide by the following rules:
Customer Service Dept. will determine if the product problem is due to deviations or customer abuse. Out-of-warranty products will be repaired on an exchange basis at cost.
Copyright Delcon Srl 2024