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HemoWeld-Gun is an innovative portable radio-frequency sealer, with an exclusive tube retention sistem that cuts every possibile mistake, to achieve a perfect seal every single time.
His indestructible silicon cable and his long lasting battery makes it the most reliable solution among portable sealers.
HemoWeld-Gun represents the ultimate technology in terms of portable sealers for the plastic tubing of blood bags. All the electronics, including the RF generator, reside in the handgun.
Sealing is automated by a powerful motor that, by simply pulling the trigger, first locks the tube in, by means of two moving jaws (the tension relief system), and then creates the seal: all this occurs in a few seconds.
The lithium battery pack is connected to the handgun by a simple, bipolar silicon long-lasting cable; it has enough capacity to perform up to 1200 sealing procedures when fully charged. This means longer time between charges and, as the battery pack can be recharged about 1000 times, higher battery capacity means longer battery lifespan.
HemoWeld-Gun can be used to seal most of the standard plastic tubing of blood bags. It is extremely simple to use and clean thanks to its easily-detachable sealing head with integrated splash guard. Each seal will have a notch that facilitates the separation of the 2 parts.
Anti-spark and self-reset overheat protection systems prevent damages to the device and to seals. Audible warnings, together with a dynamic LED display, indicate problems such as sparks, dirty electrodes, and the charge level of the battery. This sealer is capable of performing up to 50 seals in a row without overheating.
Power unit device extra power pack for a never-stop operation of HemoWeld-Gun
Transport case to transport and protect a ready-to-use kit, including a second power unit (sold separately)
Bench holder allows ready-to-use desktop positioning and facilitates mounting on walls, trolleys, or beds
Whheled base holder simplifies moving the sealer around the donation room, also reducing the risk of falls. It is screwed to the bottom part of the standard bench holder
Diagnostic softwareand adapter Software application that keeps track of all the actions performed by the sealer: when connected to the HemoWeld-Gun, it can download data such as the number of seals, motor operations, alerts, and other useful diagnostic informations collected during the lifetime of the device. The software is supplied with an adapter to connect the HemoWeld-Gun to a USB port.
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